
Early Milestones harnesses the research-policy-practice loop to create equitable and sustainable solutions to challenges facing children, families, and service providers.

Explore our initiatives that span the Early Childhood Colorado Framework to learn more.

Our Initiatives

Impact on Equity Initiative

In 2024, our new Impact on Equity Initiative will fuel collaborative efforts targeting systems change, with a cohort of partners innovating in support of families with children prenatal to three. Early Milestones will prioritize partnering with the people and places furthest from opportunity.


Raising Rural Voices to Strengthen Universal Preschool Implementation

Interviewing rural preschool providers to understand successes and challenges of Universal Preschool participation


Advancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health in Colorado

By documenting progress and highlighting remaining opportunities, this project aims to reinforce infant and early childhood mental health as a critical policy and investment priority.


Universal Preschool (UPP) Quality Standards, Resource Bank, and Technical Assistance

Supporting the launch of Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program quality standards


CIRCLE Grant Program

Making early care and learning in Colorado more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable.


COVID-19 EC Research Partnership

Understanding the impact of COVID-19 and ensuring the future of Colorado's early childhood sector


Transforming the Early Childhood Workforce in Colorado

A public-private partnership promoting innovations to build a strong and stable early childhood workforce


Jeffco Bright Futures Roadmap

A shared community vision with actionable strategies to support Jefferson County’s youngest children and their families


Early Childhood Connect

A centralized information hub with unbiased resources to support families, providers, and other partners


CO Comprehensive Early Childhood Workforce Plan

Updating and expanding upon the Early Childhood Workforce 2020 Plan, facilitating the creation of a new plan.


Ideal Learning in Colorado

Exploring the barriers to and opportunities for broader adoption of Ideal Learning models in pre-kindergarten through third grade


The Racial Equity Project

All children in Colorado deserve equal access to the resources that promote and protect their health as they grow and develop.


Oral Health Equity in Colorado’s EC Systems

Strategic planning to advance integrated and preventive oral health


Local Coordinating Organizations (LCOs) Training & Support

Supporting local systems-building to expand preschool.


Advancing Equity Within EC Systems

Amplifying community-based programs led by and serving Colorado families of color


Engaging FFN Caregivers in EC Systems

Ensuring that family, friend, and neighbor (FFN) caregivers are recognized, supported, and integrated into system improvement efforts


HB21-1304 Engagement

Engaging stakeholders in planning for a new department of early childhood and UPK implementation


The Future of Preschool

Creating a vision for successful pre-K in Colorado.


LAUNCH Together

Colorado communities advancing children’s social-emotional health


Recovery Summer Coalition

Partnering to support equitable and accessible, whole child summer learning.
