How Local Early Childhood Initiatives Can Shape State Policy

This blog is adapted from a piece originally published on the New America website. Please see our follow up blog about a conversation between Elsa Holguin and Dr. Lisa Roy, two early childhood leaders working together in Colorado from a local (Denver) and state perspective.  …

Child Care Costs Strain Families’ Finances

In 2022, many Colorado families were still financially stretched. Several boosts from earlier in the pandemic ended in 2021, such as stimulus checks and the expanded Child Tax Credit.[1] In our April 2022 survey, families were still not prospering financially. Forty-four percent of survey respondent…

Make Child Care More Stable: Pay by Enrollment

Make Child Care More Stable: Pay by Enrollment

New America | Abbie Lieberman, Aaron Loewenberg, & Cara Sklar While paying providers in advance based on enrollment would be a substantial improvement… it is important to acknowledge the fact that reimbursement rates are too low. Increasing reimbursement rates so that they adequately cover…