Engaging stakeholders to inform the plan for a new department of early childhood and universal pre-K implementation

Colorado House Bill 21-1304 created a new state Department of Early Childhood. The law called for public engagement to inform the department transition plan and implement universal preschool (see timeline below).

Early Milestones led this engagement process under the direction of the Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC). We facilitated subgroup meetings, monthly town halls, and listening sessions (learn more). Results were delivered to the Transition Working Group (TWG), made up of ECLC co-chairs, Governor’s office staff, and state agency leads. Information was also shared with the Transition Advisory Group (TAG).

Transition Planning Timeline

Preschool For All

This series of briefs explore key universal preschool topics and summarizes input received during the Future of Preschool Engagement Process.

  1. The Future of Preschool Overview
  2. Governance
  3. Funding
  4. Workforce
  5. Participation
  6. Program Quality & Standards
  7. Community Voices | Voces de la comunidad

Emphasis on Equity

HB21-1304 focuses on the importance of equitable access and delivery. Some excerpts from the bill are included here:

  • “Prioritize the interests and input of children, parents, providers, and the community in designing and delivering early childhood services and programs.”
  • “Prioritize the equitable delivery of resources and supports for early childhood.”
  • “The money from the preschool programs cash fund must be distributed…to support high-quality preschool programs that implement developmentally and culturally appropriate whole-child quality learning experiences that support the learning and development of all children, including strategies that support the needs of children who are dual-language learners and children who are members of groups that have historically faced barriers to accessing quality preschool programming.”


  • Colorado Office of Early Childhood