Trauma-Informed Education in Early Childhood: Building Resilience

Early Milestones Colorado welcomes the expertise, insights, and latest research from across the early childhood system. We are thrilled to share guest blogs with our audience to advance critical knowledge and share vital perspectives. If you are interested in contributing a guest blog post, please e…

Equity in Grant Making

Guest blog post by Sydney Mock, Research Associate at Marzano Research Empowering Families and Communities In communities across Colorado, numerous families have been strengthened thanks to innovative projects in early childhood education designed to address their needs. From immigrant and refugee f…

Raising Rural Voices to Strengthen Universal Preschool Implementation

In Fall 2023, Colorado officially launched the Universal Preschool (UPK) Program. Every Colorado child is eligible for at least 15 hours of funded preschool the year before entering kindergarten.  With the generous support of the Boettcher Foundation, Early Milestones Colorado conducted an intervie…

Lessons Learned From Leading Pooled Funds

As we prepare to launch the first initiative of Early Milestones Colorado’s (Milestones) Impact on Equity Fund, the Milestones team has been thinking and talking a lot about Pooled Funds. This kind of collaborative funding is really in our DNA. In fact, Milestones was created thanks to six local f…